Sixteen weeks behind us; twenty-four more to go: Anna is now 40% of the way through this pregnancy. On September 16 we'll go in for the twenty-week ultrasound, and we may then learn the sex of this baby!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Forty-Percent Through
Today Anna had her sixteen-week appointment with her doctor. Everything appears to be going just fine; they baby has a good, strong heartbeat, though it was a bit hard to keep track of. This baby squirms around a lot, just like Jessica did.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Family Portraits
Today we set up a makeshift photo studio in the living room and took some family portraits. Here are three of the best:

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Jessica's First Pajama Party
Last night Jessica spent the night at Granny and Pa's house. She had a great time, and she slept the whole night through!

Here are a few pictures Granny took during Jessica's visit:

Mommy and Daddy used their first free Saturday night in two and a half years to go to Thai Lotus in Lawrenceville (their favorite Thai restaurant), and then to the new Harry Potter movie. (It's very good.)
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