Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Rabbit in the Rain

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I posted these pictures, among the first I took after Anna and I moved into our Loganville house, on the date shown above, and added them to the family blog version of Planet Burdett on November 19, 2017.

Saturday, August 5, 2006

Start Spreadin' the News

We decided we were going to wait until after the first trimester to tell people this exciting news, and now Anna's about 12 weeks along, so today, Saturday, August 5th, we told our families. They were, of course, very excited and happy for us.

And now we can tell everyone else!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

2006 Ingleside JOY Club Luau Pictures

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I took pictures back in 2006 for the Ingleside JOY Club (Just Older Youth) Luau, which was at my parents' Lawrenceville house, and published these forty-five images on the old version of Planet Burdett. I added them to the current version of the site on November 18, 2017.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

First Ultrasound

On Tuesday, July 11, Anna went for her first ultrasound, and we got our first glimpse of Baby Burdett:

It may not look like much to anyone else, but it's incredibly exciting to us! Plus, Anna even got to hear the baby's beating heart!

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Thursday morning, June 15th, Anna took the test. She passed with flying colors! That is to say...

We're going to have a baby!

Friday, April 28, 2006

MFA Party at Marty's House

It wasn't the real end of our time in the MFA program; we still had (at least some of us) classes to teach the following Monday, papers to write, papers to grade, portfolios to turn in. And some of the people there were First Years, the lucky people who still have another year at GC&SU.

But it still kind of felt like something was coming to an end.

I'm glad I was there to take lots of pictures. You can see thirty of them below.

10 of 12 graduates













Marty and Nick

Elizabeth and Renee

Scott and Derick

Bruce, Marty, and Alice

Scott, Bill, and David

Derick, Elizabeth, Marty, Lauren, and Susan


Allen mugs for the camera

Scott runs the gauntlet

Nick going headfirst down the slide


Baby Lundy

Baby Torg

Mother and Child I

Mother and Child II

Renee and Baby Torg

Babies Everywhere!

* * *

I created this post on the old version of the Planet Burdett Web site back on the date shown above and added it to the family blog version on November 16, 2017, eleven and a half years later. Since the original post, several of the people shown above have completed Ph.D.s,, and most of them (or us, I should say) are still working in academia in one capacity or other. All but one of the GCSU professors above are still teaching (at least I believe that's true; I know for sure that David has retired). There have also been several more babies born to this group (two of them to Anna and me, of course).